A four-volume set of the series on the lost tribes of Israel by author Steven M. Collins. The books cover the entire period beginning with Abraham, through the Exodus, King David, the exile and dispersion of Israel's two houses, the birth and missing years of Christ, Israel's tribes today, and much more. The author does a very good job of filling in the background to the historical events found in the Bible. The price includes a 10% discount when you purchase the complete set. This set includes: Origin and Empires of Ancient Israel, Israel's Lost Empires, Parthia: The Forgotten Ancient Superpower and Its Role In Biblical History, Israel's Tribes Today.
An online review of these four books and representative chapters of each may be read on the ETHIC website at www.israelite.info (see the tabs "Book Reviews" and "Book Excerpts.")
These are the most popular books available today on the subject of the history and migrations of Israel, and their identification with various nations of modern Europe.